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Classy Ride

A drastic change from yesterday as I set out this morning.
Corduroy instead of jeans.
Dress shirt instead of a work shirt.
Cotton blazer instead of a hoodie.
Different look, different attitude, different job.
While yesterday I was a grip being given some task to easily complete; today had me in my elected role and playing at being an adult and the Vice President of an organization.
Yet I biked in.
Over the last month I have biked while dressed up at least 4 times. In fact twice with a tie but all times with some sort of outer layer.
Benefits of the Pacific Northwest, my friends, you can bike in June, wear a blazer, and arrive only a little sweaty.

Sometime ago I read about Dick van Dyke effect and perhaps it applies.
Can’t say that motorists treat me any differenty but pedestrians take some notice.
I receive more looks, nods, and even the occasional thumbs up.
Could also be I tend to ride through Seattle Center when dressed this way, not 100% sure.
Sure I have some concerns about biking while wearing nicer clothing but to be frank cyclists were once dressed well, which was the dress of the day, and accepted some dirt and sweat would accumulate on their clothing. Just like stagehand once dressed better than today. Sure still a bit rough around the edges but definitely better.

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